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Cocktail: ‘MZCL Sprizz’

– Featuring: Dr. Sours Cocktail Bitter #15 ‘Epazote’ –


∙ 2 oz MZCL
∙ 1½ oz Licor de Damiana
∙ 1 oz Campari
∙ 1½ oz freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
∙ 2-3 dashes of Dr. Sours Bitter #15 (‘Epazote’)
∙ 2-3 oz Soda Water
∙ a sprig of rosemary


Slightly burn the sprig of rosemary until it is smoldering on one end, then place it on a fireproof surface and cover it with a coupe glass so the smoke accumulates inside the glass. A safer method is to perfume the cocktail glass with the essentials oils of the rosemary by massaging or beating the sprig into the cocktail glass.

Thereafter combine all ingredients except for the soda water in a shaker with ice and mix well up to 30 seconds. Strain into the cocktail glass over new ice cubes and fill it up with soda water.


Serve it with a fresh grapefruit peel and a sprig of rosemary.